2021-03至2024-06, 中国科学院水生生物研究所, 环境科学专业, 理学博士
2018-09至2021-03, 中国科学院水生生物研究所, 环境工程专业, 硕转博
2014-09至2018-06, 成都理工大学, 环境工程与科学系, 环境工程专业, 工学学士
2024-08至今, 新疆大学, 生态与环境学院, 讲师
(1) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 电子穿梭过程提高典型入湖河流沉积物N2O还原能力的微生物机制, 2023-01至2025-12, 30万, 在研, 参与
(2) 湖北省自然科学基金, 杰出青年项目, 气候变暖和富营养化双重胁迫下湖泊N2O源汇转换的响应与减排机制研究, 2023-01--2025-12, 30万, 在研, 参与
(3) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 太湖典型入湖河流氧化亚氮还原机制与微生物过程研究, 2019-01到2022-12, 61万, 结题, 参与
(1) Senbati Yeerken; Min Deng; Kang Song*; Evaluating the role of high N2O affinity complete denitrifiers and non-denitrifying N2O reducing bacteria in reducing N2O emissions in river, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, 479, 135602.
(2) Senbati Yeerken; Lu Li; Min Deng; Kang Song*; Fengchang Wu; Effect and microbial mechanism of suspended sediments particle size on nitrous oxide emission in eutrophic lakes. Environmental Pollution, 2023, 334: 122180.
(3) Min Deng; Senbati Yeerken; Kang Song*; Greenhouse gases emissions from aquaculture ponds: Different emission patterns and key microbial processes affected by increased nitrogen loading. Science of The Total Environment, 2024, 926: 172108.
(4) Kang Song; Senbati Yeerken; Min Deng*; Distinctive microbial processes and controlling factors related to indirect N2O emission from agricultural and urban rivers in Taihu watershed. Environmental Science & Technology, 2022, 56(7): 4642-4654.
(5) Yiwen Zhou; Xiaoguang Xu; Kang Song*; Senbati Yeerken; Nonlinear pattern and algal dual-impact in N2O emission with increasing trophic levels in shallow lakes. Water Research, 2021, 203: 117489.
(6) Min Deng; Xiaoli Zhao; Senbati Yeerken; Kang Song*; Nitrogen removal by heterotrophic nitrifying and aerobic denitrifying bacterium Pseudomonas sp. DM02: Removal performance, mechanism and immobilized application for real aquaculture wastewater treatment. Bioresource Technology, 2021, 322: 124555.
(7) Lu Li; Kang Song*; Senbati Yeerken; Effect evaluation of microplastics on activated sludge nitrification and denitrification. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 707: 135953.
(8) Min Deng; Lu Li; Zhili Dai; Senbati Yeerken; Kang Song*; Aerobic denitrification affects gaseous nitrogen loss in biofloc-based recirculating aquaculture system. Aquaculture, 2020, 529: 735686.
(9) Min Deng; Zhili Dai; Senbati Yeerken; Lu Li; Kang Song*; Aerobic denitrification microbial community and function in zero-discharge recirculating aquaculture system using a single biofloc-based suspended growth reactor: Influence of the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2020, 11: 544066.
(10)宋康, 邓闵, 森巴提·叶尔肯, 王昱人, 李露. 河湖氧化亚氮(N2O)温室气体的微生物还原作用研究进展.环境科学研究, 2024, 37(5): 929-938.