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2025-02-08 00:55  







2019-092020-10, 加拿大曼尼托巴大学, 生态学, 国家公派联合培养

2017-092021-06, 中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所, 生态学, 理学博士

2014-092017-06, 石河子大学, 植物营养学, 农学硕士

2010.092014.06, 四川农业大学, 农业资源与环境, 农学学士


2024-12至今, 新疆大学, 生态与环境学院, 讲师

2021-072024-09, 中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所, 博士后




(1) 国家科学技术部, 国家重点研发子课题, 枯水期沟塘底泥低碳脱氮修复技术研究, 2022- 112026-12, 40万元, 在研, 主持

(2) 湖南省科技厅, 湖南省青年基金项目, 南方红壤丘陵茶园土壤氧化亚氮产生与排放关系及其作用机制, 2022-012024-12, 5万元, 在研, 主持

(3) 长沙市科学技术局, 长沙市自然科学基金, 生物炭老化对亚热带双季稻甲烷排放的影响及其作用机制, 2022-012024-01, 10万元, 结题, 主持

(4) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 国际(地区)合作与交流项目, 中国和肯尼亚旱作农田N2O减排措施优化及决策研究, 20222026, 298, 在研, 参与

(5) 国家科学技术部, 国家重点研发课题, 农田氮磷“土--气”界面排放规律及生物影响机制, 20212025, 1000, 在研, 参与


(1) Li, Yanyan, Gao Xiaopeng*, Liu Ji, Shen Jianlin, Kuang Wennong, Chen Ji, Zeng Fanjiang. Effects of nitrification and urease inhibitors on nitrous oxide emissions and concentrations driven by soil moisture in sandy soils. Journal of Environmental Management, 2025, 373: 123066.

(2) Ma Qianqian, Li Yanyan*, Li Xiangyi*, Liu Ji, Keyimu Maierdang, Zeng Fanjiang, Liu Yalan. Modeling future changes in potential habitats of five alpine vegetation types on the Tibetan Plateau by incorporating snow depth and snow phenology. Science of The Total Environment, 2024, 918: 170399.

(3) Li Yanyan, Gao Xiaopeng*, Tenuta Mario, Gui Dongwei, Li Xiangyi, Zeng Fanjiang. Linking soil profile N2O concentration with surface flux in a cotton field under drip irrigation. Environmental Pollution, 2021, 285: 117458.

(4) Li Yanyan, Gao Xiaopeng*, Tenuta Mario, Gui Dongwei, Li Xiangyi, Xue Wei, Zeng Fanjiang. Enhanced efficiency nitrogen fertilizers were not effective in reducing N2O emissions from a drip-irrigated cotton field in arid region of Northwestern China. Science of The Total Environment, 2020. 748: 141543.

(5) Li Yanyan, Hu Mingfang, Tenuta Mario, Ma Zhiwen, Gui Dongwei, Li Xiangyi, Zeng Fanjiang, Gao Xiaopeng*. 2020. Agronomic evaluation of polymer-coated urea and urease and nitrification inhibitors for cotton production under drip-fertigation in a dry climate. Scientific Reports, 10(1): 1472.

(6) Jiang Yuexi, Liu Ji, Li Yanyan, Xiao Peng, Liu Shuang, Shao Jihai*, Cai Yixiang, Yan Xiaoqi, Fan Li. Biochar amendment reduces biological nitrogen fixation and nitrogen use efficiency in cadmium-contaminated paddy fields. Journal of Environmental Management, 2023, 344: 118338.

(7) Wang Cong, Li Zongming, Shen Jianglin*, Li Yanyan, Chen Dan, Bolan, Nanthi., Li, Yong, Wu Jinshui. Biochar amendment increases the abundance and alters the community composition of diazotrophs in a double rice cropping system. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 2023, 59(8): 873-886.


李言言; 新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学二等奖, 2023, 5完成人



地址:乌鲁木齐市水磨沟区华瑞街777号 新疆大学博达校区 生态与环境学院   邮政编码:830017